Which relates more to feminism ? To cover your body from head to toe or to flaunt your body freely?
The answer really is up to one’s culture. In Western society, we say that it is freeing for women to “ burn their bras” and wear clothing that exposes more for the eyes. We see billboards of women in underwear, and we all tune in to watch a fashion show of women parading in lingerie. Victoria’s Secret shows beautiful women advertising “ how skin is in ”; to be sexy, one must be in lacey underwear. Check. Got it.
But does exposure of the body really mean exposure to free society? Are women again left with nothing but their bodies to define themselves?
Many from the East, ( from Asia to the Middle East) think otherwise. My mother, for example, vehemently disagrees that a woman should show skin. She says the more a woman covers herself, the more self-respect she has for herself. I had a class mate at school who wore saris, and she used to say how empowered she felt wearing it. Not only because it made her unique from her peers, but saris represented her culture and it was something that she wouldn’t want to eliminate. She also did not see why women were so eager to show off their bodies just to be glared, snarled, and stared at- while all along feeling uncomfortable. She did not think prancing around in short shorts was a great way to define a woman… I saw her point, and it was one that I truly respected, but not one that I could whole heartedly believe. I think there are limits to everything, and women today are more modern than ever – getting the respect they deserve while staying on top of their fashion game. ( Read my previous blog on Michelle Obama and fashion )
You can wear anything and still respect a culture, a religion, a gender..etc. Although there are some glitches in the media, many ladies play it off very well. Beyonce, for example, is the Queen Bee because she is dominant and knows what she wants. She can wear racy clothing that shows off her best assets, yet also glow in a long beautiful gown which portrays her as a pretty princess. Either in a long gown or in a bikini, Beyonce makes sure she is still herself. She is the pop diva with a lot of fans and a lot of morals.
Do the sayings “ Show off your curves!” and “ If you got it, flaunt it!” still remain today?
I suppose it does. Just check out this "diva". ( Beyonce Knowles should pay me for advertising her new song on this blog.)