I do believe that people are responsible for their actions. However, if family after family are in self-annihilation, it is the duty of friends, loved ones and society to step in and help.
We have been taught from family, from our friends, from the media...to surround ourselves with material wealth. Consumerism is what defines our status, prestige and some would even say-livelihood. These are wrong thoughts and when people cannot separate their pride from morality, then life becomes meaningless.
1.) http://forums.bossip.com/showthread.php?p=23496
2.) ( Sept. 2008) http://news.webindia123.com/news/Articles/India/20080918/1056290.html
To some extent, these deaths are the fault of society. It is society that has taught people to think in such materialistic ways, and their should be some law or at the least consideration from government ( or corporations) to check up on the well-being of families and individuals.
I was reading the news the other day about how a 90 year old man froze to death because he couldn't pay for the heat in his house. Con Edison shut off the heat and he literally froze to death. He lived alone.
Everyone is suffering in one way or another at this time...we should be bolstering people's spirits and their healths to get things rolling quickly again, instead of thinking about our pockets and keeping heat from a 90 year old man.
I ask you this...
Who or What is at fault for the deaths?
( Ex: Society, the Economy, their own pride...?)