I’ve always been told that one’s happiness depends upon one’s disposition, but what about people who become victims of their circumstances? Or is there such a thing?
Aside from my belief in karma, I also think luck plays a role in one’s life. Your actions predict your future, but there are also times when the end doesn’t really justify the means. Some people are born into resources much more accessible to them than others, and others do not have that advantage. Does luck play a role in that situation? I suppose.
I’ve always been taught to believe that if you want it, it will come. But how long do you have to wait until it comes?
With what I'm currently going through, I like to believe that we’re just paying our dues until we reach our calling. Confidence is key and always believe in yourself. Lack of confidence means lack of knowledge so we must educate ourselves with books and good thoughts.
I’ve been reading lots of biographies and I was stunned to see how some of the biggest celebrities and entrepreneurs made it BIG. Jim Carey, for example- the amazing comedian and actor went to 1,000 auditions before he got his first gig on TV in Living Color. One thousand auditions? Carey’s one of the funniest guys in the world- (my father would say Eddie Murphy is the funniest guy in the world) and I question why it took him so long to get just one gig. But he did it.
Michael Jordan who is considered to be the best basketball player (esp. in my brother’s eyes), didn’t make it to his High-school basketball team.
Steve Jobs, my love, the Thomas Edison of this era, the CEO of Apple dropped out of college, and spent 9 years creating the first Macintosh computer in his basement. (He certainly paid his dues.) After Mac was created, Jobs just keeps getting bigger- so innovative- with iPods, iPhones, iKayes… and etc. Now Jobs is also a leading share holder for Pixar Animations. (I can go on forever about Jobs; he is my ultimate McDreamy and he’s Buddhist so my parents would totally approve.) At the end…I’ve learned that what separates normal people from big timers is perseverance. It’s about baby steps and how progression turns into greater things.
Work hard. Make lots of friends, read lots and write lots of e-mails. I don’t think any one understands just how reading a good email in the morning gets me going all day. Reading a nice email and driving while simultaneously singing in my car- just get me. :)
In the words of Biggie Smalls, “ Damn right I love the life I live, ‘cuz I went from negative to positive...” People always appreciate a good story and it’s even much better if it goes from negative to positive.
Karma or Luck? Karma Karma Karma. On that note, do good deeds too!
steve jobs is buddhist?
nice to know that all you got out of my post was the trivial fact that jobs is Buddhist. Yes he is.
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