I thought that I should take advantage and write about the environment since we’re all feeling a little “ green” on St. Patty’s day.
Green has become the new Black! Not only is it righteous to go green, but going green is in style- we see it in fashion today. More importantly, millions of Americans are going green because they realize how our world is changing for the worse; instead of just living on this planet and see the world deteriorate, we need to take action.
I admit I was one of those people who never gave global warming a second thought. I thought to myself (and I may have one time preached to a couple of friends) how there were so many other causes and problems to fix in this world- things that concerned with humanity, poverty, genocide, women, children- abuse. Then I woke up from my illogical view.
I learned that Global warming, poverty and health are all connected. Without good health- we’re all living in poverty. Without a harmonious environment- there is no food or agriculture to sustain our health or our wealth.
For example- poverty- nearly half of the globe is living in poverty. 3 billion people survive on less than $2.50 a day- and when there is poverty, there continues to be more problems- such as health and violence.
Darfur, the land of genocide is dry and has no agriculture. People die because of hunger, disease or from vicious killings. United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki Moon wrote about Darfur in a Times article and he wrote,“ farmers and herders came into conflict over land and water.”
The 2 basic necessities of every person, Ban Ki Moon says, is economic and social security. So, if people were not meeting their basic needs, then their Darwinism kicked in…survival of the fittest. If things don’t alleviate for the environment, situations can get much worse. We’ve been delaying our stance on the environment, and many are hesitant to do anything with our economy in crisis. However, if we don’t take action on global warming, things will just get worse.
And until we see that all our causes are interlocked in one way or another, we would be walking blindly. But if we joined causes, we can move mountains.
VIDEO: 8 year old girl talks about the environment
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