Sunday, May 31, 2009


Life is short. When it’s over, what happens? Buddhists and Hindus believe that one’s soul lives on through reincarnation- where one is reborn again in another body. ABC News reported that Buddhists and Hindus are no longer the only people who believe in reincarnation; today one out of four Christians and Jews say they believe in rebirth.

Science and Reincarnation:


The Dalai Lama once said; "If science can disprove reincarnation, Tibetan Buddhism would abandon reincarnation... but it's going to be mighty hard to disprove reincarnation."

One of Buddhism’s central belief is Karma- you get what you deserve- which in essence is scientific-cause and effect. I think of Buddhism to be very scientific like, and so could I compare the theory of reincarnation to Science?


Well, Einstein said that “ Energy cannot be created or destroyed and for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.” If our souls are energy, then according to this law, we can never be destroyed. The law of Conservation of Energy believes that energy can only change form. Meaning in reincarnation talk, our souls can change into body forms.

I was telling my friend Cali about Physics and Reincarnation; and she thought that the theory of reincarnation and physics made sense. Then she gets really enthusiastic and tells me about the spoon in her hand. If it were melted, she said, it would still be the spoon…but in a different form. If it were frozen, or heated up- it would be different forms of the same spoon. ( You gotta love High School Physics.) Our energy- our souls will live on, in different types or forms. We’ll be different people or such- maybe grasp new different personalities, but we’d still carry on bits and pieces of the persons we are today to our next lives and so on.

Some of you are shaking your head, saying, “ Who is this girl, and what in the world, ( or perhaps) WHAT IN THE UNIVERSE IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?!?!” Well, the universe is funny, and life’s even crazier to imagine. The afterlife…must then be even crazier to imagine. We’ve been trained to think of one thing- life in this world ( meaning…making money and having fun) and we’re not too keen on spirituality really. (Maybe that’s what the Eastern world has beaten us on- spirituality, while the Western world conquers in technology and capitalism. ) So widen your perspectives and don’t be too provincial, go read up on reincarnation and maybe it’ll change your old way of thinking.

Here’s how I think of it: I’ve grown up believing in the idea of reincarnation my whole life. Spiritual by nature, my goal is not to try to find out the truth of my past lives but to live this present one in good faith and with good karma.

So the good news: I guess time isn’t so limited after all, our souls are immortal… believe it or not.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Overstaying one's welcome - John Yettaw and Aung San Su Kyi

The story may seem straight out of a story book, but Burma's humanitarian icon and pro-democracy activist, Aung San Su Kyi, who has been living under house arrest, has gone to trial because an American man swam to her house and hid inside her home. Su Kyi, 63 is trialed for the violation of her parole and faces 5 years in prison for letting the man stay in her house for two nights. John Yettaw, the man from Missouri, is claimed to have put on home made flippers and swam illegally to Su Kyi's home- it wasn't his first time swimming there either. Last year, Yettaw allegedly swam to Su Kyi's home; Yettaw is looking at 6 years behind prison in one of the most corrupted countries in the world. Su Kyi's stay in prison would be very detrimental for the nation - not only is her health shaky, but if she were to go to prison, she would miss the reelections in Burma.

Who is Aung San Su Kyi ?

Aung San Su Kyi's name is synonymous with the word: hero. She has been compared to other great leaders like Nelson Mandela and Gandhi. A proponent of peace and of civil disobedience, TIME magazine named Su Kyi as one of the most influential people in the world. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, and today she is the only Nobel Peace Prize recipient in the world to be living under arrest. Under the rule of the militaristic regime in Myanmar, Su Kyi has been under house arrest for 13 years. Su Kyi struggled with the Burmese military's dictatorial ways through peaceful protests and demonstrations. She is the leader of Burma’s National League of Democracy ( NLD) and in 1989, Su Kyi won the elections in Burma. Although she won by a landslide, about 80% of the votes, the government said Su Kyi was disqualified from running since she was under house arrest.

Su Kyi is also the daughter of Burma’s General Aung San who was assassinated in 1947. Her father, Aung San had gotten Burma out of British rule in the 40’s. Both Su Kyi and her father Aung San are revered by the people of Burma, even today.


Who is John Yettaw?

There isn't much that people know about this man, except for the fact that he is from a fairly middle class family in Missouri. Yettaw swam to Su Kyi’s home, and it’s been reported that she begged him to leave. Complaining of cramps and sickness, Su Kyi let him stay and gave him food for 2 nights.

Yettaw’s neighbors and family described him as a nice, easy going guy, but many of Su Kyi’s supporters are angry, saying that Yettaw has no idea how much trouble he caused. Yettaw was hoping to write a book on “ heroism” and faith; his wife says Yettaw suffers from Post- traumatic disorder.

Many believe that Aung San Su Kyi’s trial is meant to confine her longer- it is just what the military junta wanted. The general election is next year, and Su Kyi would be imprisoned, if her verdict is guilty- meaning she would be disqualified to run for elections.

My friend asked me what I thought of John Yettaw and if I were angry that he trespassed Su Kyi’s house. My answer is: I don’t think he’s too smart. He didn’t think of the repercussions that would follow- not only for him, but to Aung San Su Kyi and the people of Burma. Su Kyi is more than just an icon to the Burmese people- they believe she is the one that would lead them to freedom.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Economy Mess


We’ve heard it many times- we’re in a recession. We have to be thrifty, and we cannot afford to spend so much time spending! But is that the solution that will get us out of this crisis? In fact, many economists think otherwise- they say that we should be spending; it’s the way to get the economy thriving and working again.


Retail stores have not seen such a big loss since decades ago. Restaurants are also feeling the pinch of the recession- not only are there less restaurant goers now, but people are ordering less- customers do not indulge as much as they used to; for many appetizers have become their entrees.



There have been more robberies since the recession. Jobs are scarce, and people are finding it difficult to survive. My cousin went to California recently, and his father is house sitting while my cousin is away. Although robberies are terrible, gun sales have been at a record high. Home owners and business/store owners are purchasing guns to feel more secure and protected. Gun store owners were expecting a decline in sales since a Democrat was elected to Office. To their surprise, they have been making revenue more so than before.


Students who have worked hard for 18 years are at a crossroad when it comes to their academic future. Many can’t afford to go to college. They now have to take a different route than what they had expected a few years ago. Are dreams and opportunities at stake?

Education is on the back burner, and it is something that should not be taken lightly. Schools are getting more off days and after school programs are being taken away because of school budgets.

Positive news:


I guess you can say that this recession can be taken as a learning experience. There is one positive aspect that comes out of this horrible recession that has left many homeless and others jobless; Americans are learning to be more conscious of their savings. Americans work hard, but they also party hard. We spend a lot on just about anything- from entertainment to fashion, and saving is something that we do not really consider.

Families are also spending more quality time and they’re cooking at home! People may be out of jobs, but many are finding more time to do the things that they’ve always wanted to do instead of following a rigid structure of their usual corporate business world. Although some have lost their gym membership, many more are exercising more than before- at their own pace- in the comfort of their home( according to a statistic done by Glamour magazine).

Although we hear horrible news time after time, there is always that hope that gets us through. Just remember, life goes on…

Friday, May 1, 2009

Ko Pyisone

I blog about things that I’m most bothered by or things that I find most controversial in the news, and I’ve been contemplating whether I should blog about something as personal as this…

My Cousin, Danny P. Myint, at 28, recently passed away due to cancer- Adedonocarcinoma of an unknown primary.

Ko PyiSone- as I call him, ( PyiSone in Burmese means complete or just perfect, and Ko means older brother) had a blog, which he kept his friends and family up to date with his treatments, his daily struggles and his feelings. He wrote with so much passion to fight the disease, and he also wrote with compassion- letting others like him know that they weren’t alone. His blog transcended boundaries – not only were his close friends able to check in on his days or on his trips to the hospitals, but cancer patients, like my father viewed the blog with admiration.

Ko Pyi Sone’s Legacy:

He fought a difficult battle, but he was so hopeful that he’ll beat it despite the negativity that came his way. Doctors reluctantly gave him bad news after bad news, as his cancer was rare, but Ko Pyi Sone/Ko Danny held a great fight. He’s accomplished so many things in life; beating cancer was just another achievement he would write on his resume.

Ko Lwin, his brother, gave a speech about Ko Danny’s accomplishments within his 28 years. He told us how his brother had worked for many great companies- Reuters and ESPN -just to name a few. Ko Danny traveled the world and made great friends along the way.

Ko Danny’s bestfriend Nick spoke about the laughs they shared and the bond they had- most of all he talked about Ko Danny’s big heart, his generosity and…again his humor. ( My aunt and I wonder just how funny he was because many have said that- we always pictured him as this tall, kind, shy guy.)

Ko Pyisone was also a philanthropist. He was generous and he loved to give; he had been advocating for the research of cancer and for its care. Here is one he truly supported:

Dan, You Can!

It’s set up by his girlfriend and sister in law! Let his legacy live on.


My mom said, “ Everything in Ko Danny’s life was “ pyisone”/complete. Now he’s at peace and perfectly complete.

I’ve heard that death is bittersweet. Bitter as we’re not able to physically feel the presence of our loved ones anymore, but ironically sweet because they’re free from suffering in this world and off to a better world. We all go the same path eventually; I guess some just lead the way for others to follow.

Please support cancer care.

Click me.

Be a part of Dan You Can!
