We’ve heard it many times- we’re in a recession. We have to be thrifty, and we cannot afford to spend so much time spending! But is that the solution that will get us out of this crisis? In fact, many economists think otherwise- they say that we should be spending; it’s the way to get the economy thriving and working again.
Retail stores have not seen such a big loss since decades ago. Restaurants are also feeling the pinch of the recession- not only are there less restaurant goers now, but people are ordering less- customers do not indulge as much as they used to; for many appetizers have become their entrees.
There have been more robberies since the recession. Jobs are scarce, and people are finding it difficult to survive. My cousin went to California recently, and his father is house sitting while my cousin is away. Although robberies are terrible, gun sales have been at a record high. Home owners and business/store owners are purchasing guns to feel more secure and protected. Gun store owners were expecting a decline in sales since a Democrat was elected to Office. To their surprise, they have been making revenue more so than before.
Students who have worked hard for 18 years are at a crossroad when it comes to their academic future. Many can’t afford to go to college. They now have to take a different route than what they had expected a few years ago. Are dreams and opportunities at stake?
Education is on the back burner, and it is something that should not be taken lightly. Schools are getting more off days and after school programs are being taken away because of school budgets.
Positive news:
I guess you can say that this recession can be taken as a learning experience. There is one positive aspect that comes out of this horrible recession that has left many homeless and others jobless; Americans are learning to be more conscious of their savings. Americans work hard, but they also party hard. We spend a lot on just about anything- from entertainment to fashion, and saving is something that we do not really consider.
Families are also spending more quality time and they’re cooking at home! People may be out of jobs, but many are finding more time to do the things that they’ve always wanted to do instead of following a rigid structure of their usual corporate business world. Although some have lost their gym membership, many more are exercising more than before- at their own pace- in the comfort of their home( according to a statistic done by Glamour magazine).
Although we hear horrible news time after time, there is always that hope that gets us through. Just remember, life goes on…
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