Do you think Obama is reacting well to the protest in Iran?
a) Yes
b) No
c) So So
d) None of the above
I’m leaning towards a.) and c.)
A.) Yes
Obama raised his voice for Iran and he declared for the Iranian government to, "stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people" and "to understand that the world is watching."
Critics say Obama is just giving moral support and not enough political support. To his defense, I think Obama’s being very cautious and smart on what he should do to help Iranians. If the U.S. were to take more of a drastic action, it would cause more tension- not just the economic tie between Iran and US, but the economic ties around the world. Iran and the US have a 64 million dollar trade relationship, and things exported from Iran has to be sanctioned.
Obama also has to be cautious in his words to the Iranian government because if the US is too forceful, the Iranian government would concoct a story saying that it was the US that instigated the protest in Tehran. The government would then criticize the protesters for following Western culture. ( CNN had a debate on the protest in Tehran, and one contributor brought this issue to the table which I thought was fairly interesting.)
C.) So So
As much as I support Obama’s actions thus far, I also think we can do so much more. I believe in freedom, and I stand by anyone who would fight for their beliefs.
I’m so proud of Iranians for their stance against the rigid government and for their solidarity- in uniting as one nation.
People are coming forward and are no longer silenced. With these massive numbers on the streets, fear is no longer instilled in the civilians. They’ve become a part of a bigger movement; all around the world, we sure are watching and listening.
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