To me, MLK is the icon of peace, justice and ambition. He saw something that many could not even imagine. MLK delivered his “ I have a dream” speech with great passion and integrity. His words were honest; it traveled miles and transcended time. People from all different walks of life could relate to his dream, for they too had a dream.
I am glad to see that people are accepting to change. However, I cannot say that MLK’s dream has been fully recognized. Martin Luther King Jr., in his letter from A Birmingham City Jail wrote, “ Justice too long delayed, is justice denied”. Even today there are so many injustices that exist, yet no one does anything about it. People have become so apathetic to the prejudice and oppression that prevail in our world.
With the coverage of the news at our fingertips, we reluctantly turn the page of the latest headline in the New York Times. When we turn on the television , we change the channel to watch music videos on MTV than to take the time to watch the news on CNN ( or FOX for all you Republicans).
For four years, every Friday afternoon, I was part of Boston University’s Dean of Students, Kenneth Elmore’s Coffee and Conversation at the Howard Thurman Center. I became more intrigued with MLK especially when I learned that King was a student at BU and how Thurman had a great impact on King’s life.
Dean Elmore quoted MLK often and one Friday he left us with this quote. ( Every Friday, we would bring a controversial topic to the table- Elections, Affirmative Action, Abortion, Animal Rights… ) As we were talking about how apathetic our generation has become, he reminded us of MLK ‘s words, “ We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.“
Perhaps, I’m wrong. Perhaps our generation is not so apathetic- we now see the first black man as president of the United States and a lot of it is owed to the youth.
President Obama’s campaign was directly targeted at us- the youth. Our generation has also been named, Generation S- S for service.
I know MLK would have loved to see more service for humanity so let’s keep going...
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