Saturday, February 28, 2009

Act Like a Lady; Think Like a Man- NYT's Best Seller

The best advice to get about men is from a 50 year old( once known as a “player”) actor, comedian, radio show host, Steve Harvey. Steve Harvey’s new book, “ Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” is New York Time’s Best Seller.

Harvey reminds us that women are in charge of the relationship, and we always have the ball in our court. But somehow, women keep managing to give the man the control because women want to be accepted.

Harvey states that every man has a plan, and he started to write this book because of a relationship problem his daughter had. Harvey replies to his daughter,

“A woman has a right to know what a man’s plan is for her,” Harvey said. “If the plan he has with you doesn’t match up with the plan you have for yourself, you need to make some changes. Trust me, every man who meets you has a plan. Even that brother in church who comes up to you saying, ‘Praise the Lord!’ has a plan for you. You need to ask him what that plan is.”

He compares catching the best mate to fishing. He says ladies do not want to be thrown back again in the sea after being caught; they want to be taken home and cooked. Great analogy. So ladies raise your standards.


Friday, February 27, 2009



Every one is fascinated with the First Lady, Michelle Obama’s style and fashion. She is the ultimate fashionista and she carries herself so well. She makes bold decisions- about clothes, the kids or the White House, and she just wreaks of confidence!

She embodies what a multidimensional woman should be or could be. She is strong, beautiful, intelligent and whole. She has opinions on issues that matter to her, and she can voice them eloquently. She is also the backbone of the Obama clan, and she supports her husband, President Obama.


There are so many misconceptions when it comes to the word, “ feminist”. To many, when they envision the word, “ feminist”, a butch woman protester comes in mind. I’ve heard others say that to be a feminist, means you have to be a lesbian. UNTRUE.

Jane Fonda, the lauded actress and a well known feminist, (to the younger generations, she played Jennifer Lopez’s step mom in MONSTER- IN LAW) said that every woman has a dual journey: an inner journey and an outer journey. You have to feel good about yourself inside- spiritually, and feel good about yourself outside- physically. The first time I read about Jane Fonda, I thought she was writing bogus, but as I read further on, Fonda seemed to have it. Fonda said you have to appreciate your self wholly- body image included, to feel like a woman.

(Going to the gym and exercising do seem to rejuvenate a person and make them feel good about themselves- it’s the endorphins I’m told…and Madonna, a great feminist has the most amazing body, and she’s over 50 years old!)

Jane Fonda revolutionized fitness home videos. Her videos are the top grossing home videos of all time. To Jane Fonda, to be a feminist means to stay fit and feel good about yourself.

Elegant, intelligent, strong, beautiful and stylistic- are these the new definitions of the multidimensional woman? So next time, when some one asks me why I care about fashion , I will simply reply, “ It’s because I’m a feminist.”

Women as Breadwinners


As unemployment rises, women as breadwinners in the homes are increasing. Men are also losing jobs at a higher rate than women, since the industries that suffered most in this economy are the construction and manufacturing- men made industries.

Men and women are now switching roles, and most men are finding it difficult with the transition. “House dads” now run the homes, take care of the children and all the household chores while the mom works longer hours and more days throughout the week.

Men are finding it harder to be at home, and many say they did not know just the amount of work their wives had put into the home. Men admit they were taking things for granted.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Republican Response to Obama's Speech 2-24-09

As I said in my previous post- the discussion of government's role in the economy and the work place is never ending and continues. While Obama and the Democrats are taking a Keynesian approach, Republicans are taking more of a Marxist approach.

Hurricane Katrina


I respected Bobby Jindal's response to Obama's speech, however I thought he was very off touch with government's role in the economy and especially in the case of Hurricane Katrina. There were statements that he made that I found baffling. ( I needn't tell you about how non-credible he seemed. I tried to be objective, but it is my blog so I find it necessary to continue on with my opinions...) Jindal didn't sound credible to me- and a lot had to do with his soft voice- I wish he sounded more frank. What threw me off...was when he spoke of Hurricane Katrina, and said that the lesson to be learned from Katrina was:

" The strength of America is not found in our government. It is found in the compassionate hearts and the enterprising spirit of our citizens. We're grateful for the support we've received from across the nation for our ongoing recovery efforts."

The aftermath of Katrina showed just how vital government representation is! U.S. government was criticized, disdained, belittled ( and every other adjective you can find) because it didn't take a stronger stance in representing the New Orleans community and the victims of Hurricane Katrina. People were angry and are still angry because government did not do enough!

So as much as I appreciate Jindal, a fellow immigrant for taking a role in American politics, I do not see his point. I am after all a Keynesian.

What do you think of Bobby Jindal's speech? Jindal is the governor of Louisiana, and I've heard of rumors that he may be running for presidency in 2012. Thoughts?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama's First Speech to Joint Congress

Obama emphasizes three important issues to rejuvenate the economy: education, health care and energy. He says the U.S. is lagging behind other countries like Japan and China. We should be leading- we invented Solar Energy yet the U.S. isn’t investing in the production of renewable energy like the other countries. Obama spoke about higher education and better health care. He’s hopeful and he will begin the commitment to confronting the three issues next week.

Keynes and Marx- Obama’s a Keynesian

There’s always been a question whether government should play a role in the economy. Keynes and Marx were the 2 leading economists of our time; Keynes supported government action and said it was essential, whereas Marx criticized the capitalist system and believed in laissez faire- to allow events to take its course.

Keynes said there will always be unemployment in a laissez faire market place. Government is essential to produce employment, to balance an unstable economy and end economic recessions or depressions. Obama is a Keynesian.

Obama said in his speech to Congress today, “ I reject the view that says our problems will simply take care of themselves; that government has no role in laying the foundation for our common prosperity.”

Monday, February 23, 2009

Slum Dog Millionaire stole the show at at the Oscars


Slum Dog Millionaire received many accolades for its portrayal of one’s search for love and dreams. I am so glad that the U.S. has been so accepting of this film. It just proves that chasing dreams and following one’s heart- is universally heard. We all share the same values; we’re all more common that we are different.


Portrayal of the Slums

India is one of the most economically polarized countries in the world. Many live in abject poverty yet India’s slums or the poor are never portrayed in Bollywood ( Bollywood is India's version of America’s Hollywood). Bollywood movies do not ordinarily depict the poor and they’re more about extravagant and rich lifestyles.

It’s been said that movie producers in Bollywood are known to be “ dream merchants”- where they create a dream for the ordinary Indian audience. Bollywood movies also tend to be much longer than American movies (more than 3 hours long) and they are filled with lots of dancing and music in a way to captivate the viewers and take them away from reality.


Well, in America, Slum Dog Millionaire was awarded many oscars for great job portrayal of Indian life for many in the slums.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A woman's best friend is a... chimpanzee.


We've all heard that a dog is a man's bestfriend, but for Sandra Herold, a 200 pound chimpanzee is her bestfriend (and maybe even more). Travis, the 14 year old chimpanzee has been in the news for " ripping the face off" of his owner, Herold's friend. Travis and Herold had a relationship unlike any other pet owner to pet; Travis was overprotective of Herold. They slept together, bathed together, and Herold explains that Travis had filled the void that the deaths of her husband and daughter left.

The victim, Nash suffers injuries to her face and body. Herold tried to save Nash by stabbing Travis and hitting him with a shovel. Herold said, " I stabbed something I raised as a son."

The real question though is... was it right of Herold to raise Travis as a human being? People say that he belongs in the wild like the rest of the chimpanzees. To keep him from the wild is not only abnormal, but it is also selfish. Travis would eat at the table with Herold, dress up as a little boy and sleep in the same bed. She was treating him like her own son, or perhaps even a husband.

5 million Unemployed- economic pinch


The new record for Americans living without a paycheck has risen to nearly 5 million. The government said that 4,987,000 ( 4 million 987 thousand) are unemployed. Unemployment could raise to 9 percent. The news keeps getting worse. Officials predict that the economy would keep falling until the end of this year, and jobless claims would increase.

Everyone’s cutting back on their spending which is not good for the economy. Restaurants, theaters, retail stores…are empty! Stores are reporting bankruptcy and closing…workers are getting laid off.

Everyone is feeling this economic pinch.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Less than one month in office, President Obama signs the stimulus plan. The 787 billion dollars stimulus plan was created to revive the economy and is EXPECTED TO turnaround the recession. Hopefully this plan will stimulate the economy, save jobs and create more jobs!

I cannot help but question if this plan could be more detrimental than beneficial. We’re already billions of dollars in debt and we’re digging deeper into our pockets (to possibly put ourselves more into debt…). I know the saying… to make more you must invest more. Could this be right?


I was watching a comedy talk show the other day…and it’s so ironic how these comedy shows actually pin point exactly what people are thinking- something that the news won’t do most of the times!

So the comedian is talking about the stimulus plan, and he compares the U.S. to a person he knows. He said something along the lines of…. “ So this guy’s always broke…we go out to dinner, and he can never pay. He never has money on him. So… one day, he rolls up in an ESCALADE! AN ESCALADE! He’s still in debt but he’s investing in his commuting. ”

I guess what I'm trying to say is...Are we Escalade buyers? Are we investing in big things….that are well worth 735 billion dollars? Just how many zeros are in 735 billion dollars ?

Monday, February 16, 2009



is in the news recently, and it has far more to do with facebook’s content rules than it’s social impact.

Facebook changed its rules this month. On its terms of services, facebook says it has all rights to use any content uploaded to its site even after the user cancels its membership on facebook.

Why be concerned?

I have always questioned why peeps did not want to be on facebook. It’s a great way to connect with people from all over the world. I can utilize my networking and communication speed with friends and family through this social media site, and be up to date with my friends’ latest rendezvous.

However, the thought of facebook having authority to distribute one’s pictures and embarrassing personal information (such as the big wave of “25 random things about me”) to companies without my discretion is scary!

I am an avid user of facebook, and I have little cousins who use the site as well. There is just too much personal information about one’s life on this site- videos posted, pictures tagged, wall posts…etc. I don’t think a company should be able to license or expose someone’s information and make profit off of it without one's permission.

Facebook, we love you, but switch your content rules. Until then, no tagged photos, or wall posts for me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



I know Valentine’s Day is in 3 days, but I thought I’d get my love post out early- in hopes of empowering our thoughts and ourselves – about love.

It was Shakespeare who said, “ ’Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”. Since love eventually dies, I would disagree with Shakespeare and save myself from the heartbreak. How could people love if it doesn’t last? Shakespeare is best known for creating tragedies and epics on love and romance. His famous epic- Romeo and Juliet ended up with the star crossed lovers dead!

Are animals like us- are they all crazy about the love stuff too? I know penguins choose one mate and stay with them forever. Lobsters too, but as far as other animals go, bonobos for example, they just mate with every other bonobo they see. Now, that’s not love.

Then where does our love obsession come from? I may be cynical about the longevity of love, but I do think that love is a quality that is innate. We can have every major obstacle in our life, whether it be cancer in the family, the big SATs or getting drafted to Afghanistan… yet it is love for our significant other that we think about. It’s what keeps us hopeful…or yearning.

The best way to explain about our collective human yearning for revealed in the book, Eat Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert met Cambodian refugees who had gone through war, torture, great human despair, but all they spoke of were about their relationships. Gilbert writes, "Collectively, as a species, this is our emotional landscape.... There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. How much do you love me? and Who's in charge? Everything else is somehow manageable."

Maybe Shakespeare’s not so wrong after all…. maybe it is better to have loved...then I have yet to see Cupid.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Nadya Suleman said that all she wanted to be was a mother, and the media’s speculation of her is wrong. Suleman’s mom states that Suleman has no money, and despite what Suleman said on the Today show to Anne Curry, the octo-mom is indeed on welfare. Suleman just gave birth to 8 children through in-vitro; and she had 6 children before that. Suleman is a single mother and lives in a 3 bed-room house with her parents.

Suleman is accused of being selfish to have 8 more children (on top of her already 6). However, Suleman says that every one else is selfish to not want or raise children. I just hope she has enough help to raise these kids. Many also say that the doctors should be blamed for Suleman’s situation. They should have known her background and investigated her situation a little more before performing in vitro fertilization procedure on Suleman.


Suleman also has an uncanny resemblance to Angelina Jolie. Her lips are done like Jolie and Suleman also wants a baby family tree like Brangelina. The key difference to her and Angelina Jolie is that Jolie has enough money to support her family of 6 kids; the Octo-mom does not. Although Jolie’s not married, she does have a partner to help support her children- Brad Pitt. Jolie also gets millions for every Brangelina baby picture.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chris Brown's Alleged Attack on Rihanna


Chris Brown is allegedly charged for assault. The LA Times disclosed that the victim was fellow singer and girlfriend Rihanna. Both Rihanna and Brown cancelled their performances at the Grammys yesterday. Police said the victim had serious, visible scars on her and Brown had a deadly weapon.

This is all shocking that Brown would assault his girlfriend, because it’s ironic that Brown had gone through domestic violence himself. He went on a talk show earlier last year talking about the abuse his mother had endured with men.

I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree. He grew up to be like the male figure in his life….

Monday, February 2, 2009

Phelps’ ad deals at crossroads after marijuana photos leaked


Michael Phelps, the American athlete who won 8 olympic gold medals, apologizes for smoking marijuana. The photo of Phelps inhaling marijuana from a bong leaked to the public and brought his endorsement deals to a halt.

Phelps is endorsing million dollar campaigns and some of his sponsors are reviewing their deals and looking into the situation. Phelps is seen as a role model to many kids, and these leaked photos of him can hurt the deals.

One of his sponsors, Speedo said that although they do not condone Phelps’ actions, they accepted his apology. The company said they will support Phelps as he is part of the Speedo family.

In my opinion… Phelps is young, he experimented, and he learned a great lesson out of it. Phelps took full responsibility of his actions; his regret and sincerity to pick himself up again makes him more human and more relatable to his fans (which is a great message that sponsors should want to publicize).