Every one is fascinated with the First Lady, Michelle Obama’s style and fashion. She is the ultimate fashionista and she carries herself so well. She makes bold decisions- about clothes, the kids or the White House, and she just wreaks of confidence!
She embodies what a multidimensional woman should be or could be. She is strong, beautiful, intelligent and whole. She has opinions on issues that matter to her, and she can voice them eloquently. She is also the backbone of the Obama clan, and she supports her husband, President Obama.
There are so many misconceptions when it comes to the word, “ feminist”. To many, when they envision the word, “ feminist”, a butch woman protester comes in mind. I’ve heard others say that to be a feminist, means you have to be a lesbian. UNTRUE.
Jane Fonda, the lauded actress and a well known feminist, (to the younger generations, she played Jennifer Lopez’s step mom in MONSTER- IN LAW) said that every woman has a dual journey: an inner journey and an outer journey. You have to feel good about yourself inside- spiritually, and feel good about yourself outside- physically. The first time I read about Jane Fonda, I thought she was writing bogus, but as I read further on, Fonda seemed to have it. Fonda said you have to appreciate your self wholly- body image included, to feel like a woman.
(Going to the gym and exercising do seem to rejuvenate a person and make them feel good about themselves- it’s the endorphins I’m told…and Madonna, a great feminist has the most amazing body, and she’s over 50 years old!)
Jane Fonda revolutionized fitness home videos. Her videos are the top grossing home videos of all time. To Jane Fonda, to be a feminist means to stay fit and feel good about yourself.
Elegant, intelligent, strong, beautiful and stylistic- are these the new definitions of the multidimensional woman? So next time, when some one asks me why I care about fashion , I will simply reply, “ It’s because I’m a feminist.”
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