Less than one month in office, President Obama signs the stimulus plan. The 787 billion dollars stimulus plan was created to revive the economy and is EXPECTED TO turnaround the recession. Hopefully this plan will stimulate the economy, save jobs and create more jobs!
I cannot help but question if this plan could be more detrimental than beneficial. We’re already billions of dollars in debt and we’re digging deeper into our pockets (to possibly put ourselves more into debt…). I know the saying… to make more you must invest more. Could this be right?
I was watching a comedy talk show the other day…and it’s so ironic how these comedy shows actually pin point exactly what people are thinking- something that the news won’t do most of the times!
So the comedian is talking about the stimulus plan, and he compares the U.S. to a person he knows. He said something along the lines of…. “ So this guy’s always broke…we go out to dinner, and he can never pay. He never has money on him. So… one day, he rolls up in an ESCALADE! AN ESCALADE! He’s still in debt but he’s investing in his commuting. ”
I guess what I'm trying to say is...Are we Escalade buyers? Are we investing in big things….that are well worth 735 billion dollars? Just how many zeros are in 735 billion dollars ?
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